Resume/Curriculum Vitae


1996 Ph.D. The Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, OH
Fields of Study: Women’s Studies; Christian Spiritualities
Project Demonstrating Excellence (Dissertation Equivalent): Praying Can Be…Embodied Explorations of the Lord’s Prayer

1984 M.Div. Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
Major: Pastoral Care
Senior Paper: Pastoral Interventions for Victims of Incest

1980 B.A., Cum Laude, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Major: Religion
Honors Thesis: Healing of the Memories, The Contemporary Prayer Process


Visions of Mary: Art, Devotion, and Beauty at Chartres Cathedral. Brewster MA: Mount Tabor Press, 2017.
Praying the Chartres Labyrinth: A Pilgrim’s Guide. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2006.
Christian Prayer and Labyrinths. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2004.
Pondering the Labyrinth. Questions to Pray on the Path. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2003.
Labyrinth and Song of Songs. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2002.
The Labyrinth and the Enneagram. Circling Into Prayer. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, Fall 2001.
Living the Labyrinth: 101 Approaches to Labyrinth Praying. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2000.
Praying the Labyrinth: A Journal for Spiritual Creativity. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1999.

Book Sections:
2015. “When Ice Freezes,” in Canadian Compositions. Haydee Hidalgo, 2015.
2009. “Labyrinth Prayers for Healing” Feschrift for Dr. Sang Awr. Myanmar Institute of Theology. 2009. 38-45.
2004. “The Labyrinth” in The Sacred Way. Jones, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 127-129.
2006. “Prayer of Preparation” & “Time of Personal Prayer and Reflection during A Funeral” in Reinventing Worship. Brad Bergland, Valley Forge: Judson Press, 23 & 130-131. 
2003. “Change,” “Praying Here, There, and Everywhere,” & “Why Not?” in Bless Sophia: Worship, Ritual & Liturgy of the Reimagining Community. Mpls: ReImagining Community. 122, 33,4.
2002. “When We Can’t See It.” in A New Thing: Reflections on Transformation & Change. Valley Forge, PA: National Ministries.
1999. “Thine is the Power: But What about Mom?” in Through the Wilderness of Alzheimer’s. Robert & Anne Simpson. Minneapolis: Augsburg.
1996. “Homecoming.” in Women at the Well: Meditations on Healing and Wholeness. Ed. Mary Mild (Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press.
1995. “Stay.” In Remembering and Re-Imagining. Eds. Nancy Bernaking & Pamela Joern. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 208-210.

Scholarly Articles:
2020. Medieval Marvels: Fifty-Three Eleven-Circuit Manuscript Labyrinths. Alain Pierre Louët and J. K. H. Geoffrion. Caerdroia 49:8-27.
2016. Labyrinth Doorways: Crossing the Threshold (Medieval Manuscripts). Alain Pierre Louët and J. K. H. Geoffrion. Caerdroia 45:11-31.
2015. “The Beast Within. Centers of Medieval Manuscript Labyrinths.” Alain Pierre Louët and J. K. H. Geoffrion. Caerdroia 44:10-22.
2015. “Mysterious Circles at Chartres” Alain Pierre Louët and J. K. H. Geoffrion. Caerdroia 44:59.
2013. “The Pont-Chevron Mosaic Labyrinth” Jill K H Geoffrion and Alain Pierre Louët. Caerdroia 42:30-36.
2014. The St. Euverte Labyrinth, Orléans (France)” Jill K H Geoffrion and Alain Pierre Louët. Caerdroia 42:57-58.
2010. “The Petit Labyrinth Graffito of Chartres Cathedral” Jill K H Geoffrion and Alain Pierre Louët. Caerdroia 40:4-8.
2009. “Labyrinth Prayer: An Ancient Yet New Way to Pray.” Rays: Myanmar Institute of Theology 10:77-81.

Ministry-related Articles:
2020. “The Lesser-Known Labyrinths of Chartres.” Labyrinth Pathways 14:4-11.
2018. “Walking a Labyrinth in St. Petersburg.” Labyrinth Pathways 12:29-34.
2017. “Marian Imagery Around the Chartres Cathedral Labyrinth.” Labyrinth Pathways 11:17-40
2016. “Cambodian Labyrinth Experiences: Labyrinth Prayer in South East Asia.” Labyrinth Pathways 10:51-27.
2015. “The World’s Largest Labyrinths: Nazca, Peru.” Labyrinth Pathways 9: 15-18.
2014. “Inter-faith Labyrinth Prayer in Myanmar.” Labyrinth Pathways 8:9-15.
2013. “Labyrinth Prayer: A Spiritual Tool for Christians in Myanmar.” Koinonia (A publication of CCIT: Falam, Myanmar)
2013. “Myanmar Labyrinth Stories.” Labyrinth Pathways 7:30-36
2013. “Speaking without Using Words.” Myanmar Women’s Journal.
2012. “Praying the Labyrinth in Myanmar.” Myanmar Institute of Theology Journal.
2010. “When Women Make Time To Pray the Labyrinth.” Myanmar Institute of Theology Women’s Journal.
2009. “Labyrinth Prayers for Myanmar.” Labyrinth Pathways 3:8-12. (Adapted from a Festschrift produced by the Practical Theology Department of The Myanmar Institute of Theology).
2008. “Praying the Labyrinth in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” Labyrinth Pathways 2:5-7.
2008. “El Camino de Santiago…When It Comes, Give Thanks.” Thin Places. Number 53:1, 1-3.
2008. “Labyrinths in Churches” for the Labyrinth Society website.
2002. “Prayer of My Heart.” Re-Imagining 33:10.
2001. Adventuring to the Center and Back.” Your online Magazine.
2001. “You Ask, Why?” Inspire 5:2, 10.
2000. “Gestation.” Labyrinth Society Journal 1:2, 2.
1995. “Welcoming the Word.” Re-Imagining 4, 12.
1995. “Embodied Prayers: Hands.” Re-Imagining 2, 14.

Hymn Texts:
Walking the Labyrinth  (Tune: For the Beauty of the Earth)
Circling the Labyrinth (Original tune by Donna Kashbohm)

UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS (book proposals available)
Beautiful Praying: Nature’s Invocations. (Simple invitations to prayer sparked by stunning images from natural environments around the globe.)
What Was I Thinking? Leaving Behind Illusions While Walking and Praying the Camino. (Memoir of walking pilgrimage with my husband and two sons across northern Spain.)
A Pilgrim’s Journal: Chartres. (Includes photos, questions, and suggestions to make a pilgrimage to the cathedral as meaningful as possible.)

Praying Can Be: Embodied Explorations of the Lord’s Prayer.
Psalms (150 contemporary psalms in dialogue with biblical psalms)
Why Not Pray? (Praying the daily experiences)
Embracing the Questions.(Resource supporting exploration of self & relationships)
Sanguine Sally Goes Monastic (An exploration of the love and light of God)
Pilgrim Prayers (A prayer exploration of pilgrimage)

My photographs have been published in books, magazines, websites, and other online venues.  They are also found in private collections.
A listing of published work is available upon request.

Photography; Labyrinth Programming and Installation; Guiding. Retreat Leadership, and Spiritual Direction at Chartres Cathedral, Retreat & Pilgrimage Leadership on four continents; Public Speaking, Ritual Creation and Implementation; Spiritual Encouragement for Non-profit Leaders; Spirituality Group Envisioning and Facilitation; Consulting with Ph.D. candidates

Ordained: American Baptist Churches June 3, 1984

Retreat Leader, Guide, and Pastoral Care provider for pilgrims to the Chartres Cathedral: 2007-Present

Co-Founder, Arts & Communications, Faith, Hope and Love Global Ministries 2007-2014
Minneapolis, MN (Base) with partners in USA, Europe, Africa, and SE Asia

Co-Founder, Executive Director, Deep Haven Labyrinths & Retreats 1999-2009
Deephaven, MN

Associate Pastor of Education 1988-1992
First Baptist Church Batavia, IL

Associate Pastor 1984-1988
Park Place Baptist Church Montgomery, IL

Clinical Chaplain 1983-1984
Memorial Hospital of Burlington County Mount Holly, NJ

Assistant Pastor 1982-1984
Beverly Presbyterian Church Beverly, NJ

Consultant, Women’s Ministries 1981 (Summer)
Presbyterian Church of Malawi Malawi, Africa

Youth Pastor, Junior High Age Group 1980-81
Abington Presbyterian Church Abington, PA

Pastoral Assistant 1980 (Summer)
Africa Inland Church Bunia, Zaire

Member of Service Accueil-Visites (Bénévole) at the Chartres Cathedral in France 2017-Present
Advisor, American Friends of Chartres 2019-Present
Labyrinth Presentations, Consultations & Installations in places of suffering around the globe 2007-Present
Trustee, Foundations 1998-Present
Group Facilitator for Spirituality Gatherings (Church & Community) 1997-Present
Deep Haven Labyrinths (11) Steward 1999-2009
Labyrinth Society, Regional Representative 2002-2011
Volunteer in Elementary, Middle, & High Schools (MN; IL) 1989-2006
Co-chair- Soundings: Re-Imagining Word, Annual Gathering of the Re-Imagining Community, 1995
Re-Imagining Community- Small Group Task Force 1994
Spiritual Advisor- Battered Women’s Shelter (Aurora, IL) 1984-1988

Professional, academic and personal references available upon request.

Jill K H Geoffrion at the Chartres Cathedral in France