From the safety and security
of the sanctuary
bathed in generations of prayers
slanting toward union
with the real presence of God,
I wait.
I wait with ancient stones,
modern devotion,
rose colored hope,
and measured spaciousness.
Perceiving Truth
that seeks silence,
I look beyond
what I can see.
I am found
surrounded by Graciousness,
infused with Love.
Why return?
The haunting question boars
holes in my heart.
My will weeps, “Stay!”
God’s will whispers, “Go.”
“Go where?” I hesitate.
“Go where you can.”
“Go where you are invited.”
“Go with words.”
“Go with wordless prayers.”
“Go with silent knowing.”
“To return?”
“As you need.”
“Return on your breath,
return to My Breath.
The strength you need
is there.
The strength you will need
will be there.”
This prayer was prayed in the Abbey of Bascodon, France, in November 2006. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Claire and Xavier Lapostolle who introduced the Abbey to me, first through image and years later in person.