Camino Marker in Chartres. 1624k to go!
Overview of the Four Main French Routes (In both English and French) including information about specific sites, their locations, and their geographic coordinates: http://whc.unesco.org/sites/868-loc.htm
Amis (Friends) de St. Jacques
and other organizations dedicated to helping pilgrims:
- Association des Amis de St Jacques et d’Etudes compostellanes de la Voie de Vézelay, mairie, rue Saint-Pierre, 89450 Vézelay, Tél : 03 86 32 38 11 et internet ci-dessous
Des permanences ont lieu le week-end à la mairie de Vézelay de mars à septembre. - Association des Amis de St-Jacques, 4 square du Pont de Sèvres, 93100 Boulogne-s/-Seine
- Association Rhône-Alpes des amis de St-Jacques, 35 rue Ste-Hélène, 69002 Lyon
- Association Bretonne des amis de St-Jacques, 12 rue G. Sand, 35235 Thorigne-Fouillard
- Association Région Centre des amis de St-Jacques, 8 rue d’Entraygues, 37000 Tours
- Association Pyrénées Atlantiques des amis de St-Jacques, BP 195, 64600 Biarritz Cedex
- Maison St-François, rue St Mayol, 43000 Le-Puy-en-Velay
- Communauté des Prémontrés Abbaye Ste-Foy, 12320 Conques, tél : 0565698512
- Hospitalité St-Jacques, rue du collège, 12190 Estaing, tél : 0565441900
- Compostelle 2000, 54 rue Ducouëdic, 75014 Paris, tél : 0143207166 et internet ci-dessous.
Chartres, Information
More information about the local group that supports pilgrims is available at the welcome desk in the cathedral and at the Tourist Office.
Maps For Walking In France
IGN 107, rue de la Boetic 75008 Paris
01 43 98 85 11
Metro: Franklin-Roosevelt
The Carte Blue maps on are the first floor.
Paris, Amis de Saint Jacques
Their office is at 8, rue des Canettes, near St. Sulpice.
You can get a stamp for your pilgrim passport in Notre Dame Cathedral.
Paris, Books on the Chemin St. Jacques (in French)
Librarie Eyrolles 55,57,61, 63 Boulevard Saint-Germain 75240 Paris
01 44 41 11 74 Fax: 01 44 41 11 45
Email: [email protected]
Monday through Saturday from 9h30 to 19h30
This bookstore has an extensive selection of IGN maps as well as many different books (all in French) on the Chemin Saint Jacques.
Paris, Information about Jacobean Landmarks and Sites
Contact American Pilgrims of the Camino to ask about a helpful resource that has been put together by Kathy Gowen.
St. Jean Pied de Port
Those starting the pilgrimage from St. Jean Pied de Port will find the Pilgrim’s office very helpful. They can provide you with information and a pilgrim passport (for a small fee). You can stay at the Albergue in St. Jean Pied de Port the night before you start walking but be forewarned that it often fills early in the day. If you are planning to arrive later in the day you may wish to make a reservation at one of the many hotels or hostels in town.
Information about the Friends of St. Jacques in Vézelay can be found at the homepage for the Amis et Pèlerins de Saint-Jacques de la Voie de Vézelay (in French).
Information about the worshipping Community of Jérusalem which gathers for services in the basilica (as well as other basilica information. There is a chapel dedicated to St. James (Jacques) in the basilica. Information for pilgrims on the Chemin St. Jacques/Camino is also given on the basilica website.
There are relics of St. Jacques at the nearby parish of Asquins. When I last visited, a local resident brought a key and opened the church for us (but it was hard to track her down). You may want to ask for information and contact numbers at the tourist office in Vezelay.
Contact Jill with suggestions about how to make this page more helpful.