How strange.
For more than thirty days
I got up knowing only
that I would follow arrows
all day long
and then stop for the night.
I didn’t recognize the names of the towns
I passed through.
I had no idea of where I might be found
on a map of Spain.
Each day’s landscape
surprised me.
I never expected to return
to the places I visited.
But I knew what to do:
wash up,
put my backpack on,
walk and walk and walk,
following the signs that revealed themselves,
until it was time to rest.
Then eat and sleep.
A far-off destination grew ever closer.
Others had journeyed before,
marking the way
for me.
I followed their sincere intentions
towards a place I would know
only after I arrived.
Having reached
the site of my heart’s desire,
I now discover
I learned to trust
that the unknown way ahead
will reveal itself
as needed.
On pilgrimage,
of course!
How strangely unexpected!
Please do not copy any part of this poem without written permission.
©Timothy Charles Geoffrion
Psalm 143:10 (NRSV)
“Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God.
Let your good spirit lead me
on a level path.”
Consider the rest of your day.
Identify a situation whose outcome is uncertain.
Bring your mental and physical awareness of this into prayer.
Ask God to communicate with you.
Accept with gratitude whatever you receive.