Bibliography on Pilgrimage

Find below some of the articles and books on pilgrimage that have been most helpful to me in my thinking about pilgrimage and development as a pilgrim.

(1999) ‘A Pilgrim Blessing’ (London: Confraternity of St. James).

Aviva, Elyn. 1997. “Seeking the Center: Pilgrimages and Labyrinths as Sacred Journeys.” American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, CA.

Barron, Robert. Heaven in Stone and Glass: Experiencing the Spirituality of the Great Cathedrals. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 2000.

Bunyan, John (1984) The Pilgrim’s Progress (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press).

Clift, Jean Dalby, and Wallace B. Clift (1996) The Archetype of Pilgrimage. Outer Action with Inner Meaning (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press).

Coleman, Simon, and John Eade (2004) ‘Introduction: Reframing Pilgrimage’ in Reframing Pilgrimage. Cultures in Motion. (London: Routledge): 1-25.

Coleman, Simon, and John Eisner (1995) Pilgrimage: Past and Present in the World Religions (Cambridge: Harvard University Press.).

Cousineau, Phil (1998), The Art of Pilgrimage. The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred (Berkeley, CA: Conari Press).

DeJong, Mary A. 2011. Waymarkers: Collected Prayers, Poems & Reflections for the Pilgrimage to Iona. USA:

Dubisch, Jill, and Michael Winkelman. Pilgrimage and Healing. 1st ed. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2005.

Forest, Jim (2007) The Road to Emmaus. Pilgrimage as a Way of Life (Maryknoll: Orbis Books).

Fullam, Lisa (May, 2006), ‘Humility: A Pilgrim’s Virtue’, New Theology Review: 46-53.

Geoffrion, Jill (2006), Praying the Chartres Labyrinth: A Pilgrim’s Guidebook (Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press).

Geoffrion, Timothy C. 2008. One Step at A Time : A Pilgrim’s Guide To Spirit-led Living. Herndon, Va.: Alban Institute.

Girault, Marcel et Pierre-Gilles. Visage De Pèlerins Au Moyen Age: Les Pèlerinages Européens Dan’t L’art Et L’épopée. Orléans: Zodiaque.

Marty, Martin, and Micah Marty (1994) Places Along the Way. Meditations on the Journey of Faith (Minneapolis: Augsburg).

Nagel, Elizabeth Catherine (Unpublished, 08) When the Journey Becomes Home: Living into the Sacred Space of Pilgrimage.

Nardo, Don (1996) Life on a Medieval Pilgrimage (San Diego: Lucent Books).

O’Reilly, Sean, and James O’Reilly, ed. (2000) Pilgrimage: Adventures of the Spirit (San Francisco: Travelers’ Tales).

Paintner, Christine Valters. 2015. The soul of a pilgrim: eight practices for the journey within. Notre Dame, Indiana: Sorin Books.

Péricard-Méa, Denise (2002) Les Pèlerinages Au Moyen Age (Paris: Éditions Jean-Paul Gisserot).

Robinson, Martin (1997) Sacred Places, Pilgrim Paths (London: HarperCollins).

Sumption, Jonathon (2003) The Age of Pilgrimage. The Medieval Journey to God (Mahwah, NJ: HiddenSpring).

Westwood, Jennifer. On Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys around the World. Mahwah, N.J.: HiddenSpring/Paulist Press, 2003.

York, Sarah (2001), Pilgrim Heart. The Inner Journey Home (San Francisco: Jossey-Boss).

For a bibliography that relates to pilgrimage and the Chartres Cathedral, click here.

To suggest a book for this bibliography, contact Jill.