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______ Praying Can Be: Embodied Explorations of the Lord’s Prayer $25.00
The work illustrates how difficult and yet meaningful it can be for a contemporary Christian to pray one of the ancient prayers of her/his religious tradition. Attention is given throughout to the embodied experience of prayer and the connective possibilities of the activity of praying. (248 pages)
______Embracing the Questions: A Resource for Exploring $10.00
“What question will help me be who I want to be–for myself, for others, and for God?” Each page of this book offers a different question and leaves room for responses. (44 pages)
_____ Why Not Pray? $18.00
Springing from personal and biblical touchstones, these short devotional thoughts and original black and white mandalas invite the reader to pray about anything and everything. (110 pages)
______ Psalms: Then and Now $25.00
Written in response to images, emotions, and challenges of the biblical Psalms, these one hundred and fifty contemporary psalms invite the reader to pray openly and honestly. (Approximately 225 pages)
______ A Pilgrim’s Journal: Chartres Cathedral. Wayzata, MN, Faith, Hope & Love Press. $25.00
A 75-page journal designed for pilgrims to Chartres. Each page is graced with a watermark photo from a special part of the cathedral, a journal sentence starter, and an area designated for prayer.
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“Let my teaching fall like rain,
and my words descend like dew,
like showers on the new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants.”
Deuteronomy 32:2 (NIV)